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The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) is open to cooperate with other institutions, if the cooperation corresponds to the principles and goals of CSRDG. CSRDG collaborates with organizations from all sectors, including the business sector, to achieve its goals.

CSRDG has developed a business sector relations policy that reflects the organization's values ​​and strategic goals and ensures the minimization of possible risks, including reputational risks, and the compliance of potential partners with CSRDG's mission and ethical principles, as well as effective and mutually beneficial relations with the business sector.

CSRDG's business relationship with the business sector can be of various forms and scales - one-off/short-term or long-term, involving two or more parties. In particular, CSRDG considers the following forms of interaction with the business sector:

  • Sharing of information, knowledge, experience - implies sharing of experience and best examples for the business sector;
  • Dialogue related to policy development - includes dialogue / discussion with stakeholders (business sector), the purpose of which is policy development or improvement;
  • Contests - refers to business participation in contests organized by CSRDG;
  • Resource Mobilization - means receiving cash, goods or services from the business sector to support CSRDG's program activities and/or beneficiary organizations;
  • Joint initiatives - refers to CSRDG and business sector partnership initiatives, where the parties agree to work together to accomplish a specific task or achieve a common goal, if necessary, pool their resources and share the risks, responsibilities and benefits associated with the partnership;
  • Service provision - refers to the provision of paid service(s) by CSRDG to the business sector;

Based on the fact that different forms of relations with the business sector imply different levels of responsibility and are also associated with different risks, CSRDG has developed two approaches to relations with the business sector:

Approach 1: 

Within this approach, CSRDG does not have any kind of restrictions and it will consider dealing with any company. CSRDG uses this approach if the form of relationship with the business company does not require sharing of resources, risks or responsibilities. In particular, these forms of communication are: sharing of information, knowledge, experience or dialogue related to policy development.

Approach 2: 

If CSRDG's form of business relationship with a business company involves participation in contests, networks, platforms and campaigns organized and managed by CSRDG, joint mobilization of resources, joint initiatives or service provision by CSRDG, CSRDG uses a two-step risk management approach : a) sectoral breakdown and b) impact assessment of a specific company.

a) sectoral breakdown: The CSRDG does not consider a relationship with a business company that belongs to sectors with a potential negative impact on society, namely:

  • Gaming industry (gambling, including online games, casinos and similar establishments)
  • Manufacture or trade in tobacco (does not mean a firm owning a retail outlet/s that also trades in other goods)
  • Manufacture of weapons or weapons
  • Business activities prohibited by Georgian legislation or international conventions and agreements Trading

b) impact assessment of a specific company: In the case of other business sectors, the CSRDG conducts a study of the activities of a potential partner business company and determines the impact of the organization's activities on the natural environment and society. The purpose of the business company performance assessment is to determine the risks/impacts and opportunities that arise as a result of the relationship between the CSRDG and the business entity and to facilitate making the right decision regarding possible cooperation.

CSRDG will refrain from cooperation if, based on the information available to it, it determines that the company is causing unjustifiable damage to the natural environment or society.