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Development of self-government in high-mountainous settlements through the development of entrepreneurship

Development of self-government in high-mountainous settlements through the development of entrepreneurship

The goal of the project was to promote the development of entrepreneurship in the settlements with the status of a highland settlement, in order to improve the economic and social situation. Raising the awareness of the population in the target settlements. Identification and correction of existing gaps in the regulations.

Results of the project - research was prepared, informative meetings were held with the self-government and population in the target settlements/municipalities. Within the framework of the project, a manual was developed for the population living in the highland settlements on entrepreneurial activity and the status of the enterprise of the highland settlement; Information booklets were prepared. A conference was organized around the mentioned issues.

Project cost: 16 800 GEL

Donors: Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Duration: 26/01/2017-22/12/2017
